I knew this girl # 508

Autobiographical, Beautiful woman, Cloud physics, desire, Love, Poetry, Sonnets, Writing

This little thing appeared in my consciousness as i was lying down for my after-lunch nap.  I wrote it out as soon as I woke up and went to the computer.

It’s very different from the deliberately constructed stuff, like ryhming poems, Patrarchian sonnets, or even ryhming couplets.  Maybe it’s a sort of stream of consciousness  thing.

I knew this girl.

She was not just lovely, but bright.

Intelligence shone from her words

knowledge of many things

evidence of a curiosity

as strong as mine.

She passed every test

that I could think of, aware of stuff

I knew but many don’t.

A companion sent by heaven

to be my friend, my other half,

one day perhaps even to be more.

We looked togerther at the stars,

the clouds, the Moon.

Contrails, lenticular clouds, and

standing waves that left stripes

of parallel cloud across the sky.

She knew them, looked for them,

called me on her phone to share

as I did her.

Who could ignore a girl like that?


`         © Malcolm Miller  2013